Academic Dismissal Petition FAQs

We understand you may still have questions about the academic dismissal process, so we have provided you with some frequently asked questions to help. If you have more detailed or specific questions, please email the Academic Standards team at Please allow for 4-5 business days for a response. 

When will the information for the next option to petition be available?

Petition availability varies for each semester. Exact dates change based on the registration dates for the current calendar year. You may expect information to be made available based on the following times:

Semester Information Available Online Petitions Begin: Petitions End:
Spring October 15th 1st day of registration for the Spring semester Last day of self-registration for the Spring semester
Fall April 1st 1st day of registration for the Fall semester and Full Academic Year Last day of self-registration for the Fall semester


What are all the requirements to Petition for Academic Dismissal?

Click here to view the Academic Dismissal Checklist.

Tips for a Successful Packet:

In order to ensure the petition experience is a good one, please read the following helpful tips:

• If you are citing extenuating circumstances as to why you are on Academic Dismissal such as medical-related issues, include any relevant documentation with your packet submission.

• Read the Paving My Path Reflection Statement directions very carefully. There are three areas that you need to address in your essay- reflections, planning for the future and present opportunities. Please take time to reflect on what events, actions, and decisions resulted in your current academic standing. Remember to discuss all issues and semesters that you were having trouble in. Be descriptive regarding what you envision your future to look like and how you plan to achieve those goals. State actions you will take to ensure you get where you are going.

• Please make sure to address what changes you have made, and detail your plan to be academically successful.

• Your Pathing My Path Reflection Statement must be typed, and a minimum of 1-2 pages. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Use the Reflection Statement example provided on the Dismissal Petition Checklist to help you..

How can I submit my Academic Dismissal Petition Packet?

You will submit your petition packet documents through the PASS Canvas course. Documents are not accepted in person or by email. This helps ensure that your documents are received through a secure location, and do not get misplaced. Once your documents have been received, they are reviewed by the Academic Standards team to ensure that all of the following requirements have been met:

  • Individual Success Plan- has been completed in GPS with a minimum of one semester of courses planned out (maximum of 8 credit hours each semester) and includes the mandatory Strategies for Success 0171 course
  • Time Matters Activity- is an official required document and the format cannot be changed. The PDF document must be completed in full with every box is filled in, typed (no handwritten submissions are excepted)
    • By utilizing the provided Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you will be able to download the document and complete as requested without having to print and scan
  • Paving My Path Reflection Statement- is a typed Word or PDF document that addresses all areas requested. Guidelines on how to write your reflection statement are provided in the PASS course
  • Petition Waiver form-is an official required document and the format cannot be changed. The PDF document must be completed in full and submitted as directed with digital initials and signature (only PDF Document are excepted - no pictures or converted documents will be accepted)
    • By utilizing the provided Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you will be able to download the document and complete as requested without having to print and scan

* If you did submit the documents as directed, you will be notified through the Canvas course and asked to resubmit once edits have been made.

Once all eligibility requirements are met you will receive a link to schedule your dismissal interview in your ACES student email.

When is the last day to submit my petition packet?

There are two dates for each petition season, the "priority date" and the "final deadline" for submission. 

If all steps are completed as directed by the priority deadline, you are guaranteed to receive a link to schedule your dismissal interview. If you do not utilize the link provided to schedule your interview, you will forfeit the guaranteed opportunity to interview and will be scheduled if sessions are still available. 

If all steps are completed as directed after the priority deadline but by the final deadline for submission, you will receive a link to schedule your interview via email on a first-come, first-served basis, until interview sessions are full and SDEV0171 classes are filled.  Please allow up to four (4) business days for a response.

No extensions on deadlines are provided.

How will I schedule a Dismissal Interview?

Once you have completed the PASS course modules and submitted your documents as directed, the Academic Standards Team will provide you with a link to schedule your dismissal interview via your ACEs student email. 

**As we have limited spots each semester we highly recommend that you complete the petition process as early in the petition period as possible. Once all Dismissal Interviews have filled, students will have to wait until the following semester to petition. 

**Missed interview sessions, especially without prior notification, may only be rescheduled once, if Dismissal Interviews are available. A second missed appointment will result in automatic denial of your petition for the semester.

What can I expect to happen in my Dismissal Interview?

Students will meet with a certified academic advisor (either in person or by Zoom) to review their petition packet and discuss their plan to be successful. In the dismissal interview, the student will be given a decision as to whether the petition has been approved. If the petition is approved, the student will be eligible to register. You will also be registered for the required Strategies for Success course (SDEV0171). More information regarding this class is provided in the PASS canvas course, and discussed during the dismissal interview. During your interview,  the advisor will discuss factors that impacted your prior academic success, how these factors have been addressed, and what tools you have developed since you last attended that will help you be successful upon your return. In addition, specific resources and support services that will enable you to be successful will be recommended.     

How and when will I know the decision on my petition?

Decisions are normally made upon conclusion of the interview, but if the advisor requires additional information, may take up to one week of meeting with an advisor. Remember, submitting a petition does NOT guarantee your petition will be approved.  Decisions are based upon the student's ability to demonstrate they can be successful upon return if approved. All decisions will be sent to the student's ACES email only. It is important to check this email on a regular basis to ensure you receive all communications from Northwest Vista College.

If Approved:

- You will be required to adhere to all petition requirements indicated on the Contract for Student on Academic Dismissal. These requirements include but are not limited to:

  • earn a "C" or higher in all enrolled courses, to include the mandatory 0171 course
  • Meet with your assigned advisor during the semester, preferably before the start of registration for the upcoming semester
  • Complete the Tier 1 Learning2Lead Certification through AlamoExperience (this is explained in more detail in the PASS course)
  • Successfully complete the semester with a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher 

Failure to complete all requirements will result in non-compliance for your petition and you will have to sit out up to a full academic year. No exceptions will be made.

If Not Approved:

- The advisor will provide you with information via ACES email on steps to take in order to petition for an upcoming semester.